
16 09, 2018

Pool Filter Systems

By |2019-12-16T07:44:40-05:00September 16th, 2018|Pool Equipment|

D.E. Filters A DE filter offers the best possible filtration, but it also requires the highest level of maintenance. DE filters are also not very forgiving of poor maintenance practices. The filters need to be backwashed at proper intervals and the pump sizing and filter cycles need to be accurate. The water enters the filter through the lower bulkhead fitting. It enters the bottom of the tank and enters the grids (see close-up view). The [...]

15 09, 2018

Pool In-Line Table Feeder

By |2019-12-16T08:17:09-05:00September 15th, 2018|General|

Chlorine Feeders The purpose of a chlorine feeder is to maintain a consistent feed of chlorine into the pool. If the feeder malfunctions or is not filled or is not set properly, then the chlorine level will not be right and the pool will not be fit for swimming. There are several types of chlorine feeders. Each feeder is specifically designed to feed a certain form of chlorine. Be sure you are putting the right [...]

9 07, 2018

What is Chlorine

By |2019-11-29T03:17:43-05:00July 9th, 2018|Chemical Treatments|

Chlorine in its various forms is the most commonly used pool disinfectant. In addition to killing bacteria, chlorine helps to kill algae and destroy waste material not removed by the filter system. In its natural or elemental state, chlorine is a gas. But chlorine gas is very toxic and hard to handle safely. This is why chlorine is combined with other compounds to form several liquids and solids which are effective sanitizers and safer to [...]

15 06, 2018

What is Pool Water Hardness / Calcium Harness

By |2019-11-29T09:28:02-05:00June 15th, 2018|Chemical Treatments|

CALCIUM HARDNESS refers to the amount of calcium and magnesium carbonate <plus other minerals> in the water. In pool water, we are mostly concerned with the calcium carbonate level or calcium hardness (CH). It should be tested for and adjusted to balance with the total alkalinity of the pool water. Although "soft" water (low CH) is considered better for regular household use, soft water is not desirable in swimming pools as it is corrosive and [...]

24 05, 2018

Nature 2 Sanitizing

By |2019-12-16T08:42:50-05:00May 24th, 2018|Go Green Solutions|

Nature2 is a sanitizing system that uses patented mineral-bed technology to provide crystal clear water and improved water quality. Working with the pool filtration system, Nature2 uses elemental minerals that combine with a small amount of chlorine to inhibit bacteria growth and eliminate contaminants. Minerals make the water noticeably softer, and less chlorine means a lower potential for red-eye, dry skin or foul odors. With Nature2, your swim experience is clean, fresh, and gently soothing. Extensively tested [...]

22 05, 2018

What is Total Alkalinity

By |2019-11-29T03:00:10-05:00May 22nd, 2018|Chemical Treatments|

TOTAL ALKALINITY (TA) refers to the amount of alkaline materials in the pool water. These alkaline materials act as buffering agents and help control Ph. If the TA is too high, changing the Ph is difficult because the water resists Ph changes. High TA can also cause cloudy water, mineral stains, eye irritation, chlorine inefficiency, and calcium scaling. Water with low TA is sensitive to Ph changes, and will bounce" from high to low Ph [...]

16 05, 2018

Pool Salt System

By |2019-12-16T08:27:07-05:00May 16th, 2018|Pool Equipment|

How a Salt System Operates Salt systems have three main components. Salt The first component is plain old salt. You have to have a minimum level of about 3000 parts per million of salt in the pool water. Salt makes the water conductive so that the electricity can pass between the plates in the cell. If the salt level goes too low, then the chlorine production simply stops. Salt is also the raw material from [...]

14 05, 2018

Cut 90% of your monthly pool cost

By |2019-12-16T08:35:19-05:00May 14th, 2018|Go Green Solutions|

with a Variable-Speed Pump Today, there are technologically advanced options that enable your pool to use far less energy and save you money, starting first by swapping out your old single-speed pump with a new highly efficient variable-speed pump. If you don't know what kind of pump your pool is equipped with, there's a good chance it's a single speed pump. This kind of pump moves water through your system at a constant and steady [...]

1 05, 2018

Ozone Joe’s Water Purification Systems

By |2019-12-16T09:15:35-05:00May 1st, 2018|Go Green Solutions|

What is Ozone? WATCH THIS NOW! OR READ THIS NOW! (O3) is a highly reactive gas composed of three Oxygen Atoms (O). Ozone is produced naturally by sunlight and lightning. It is created in the Ozone Joe’s Ozone Systems, by passing ambient air over a VUV (Very Ultra Violet) lamp, which replicates the sun’s UV rays. The UV energy from the lamp(s) splits Oxygen Molecules (O2) into single Oxygen Atoms (O). The single Oxygen Atoms [...]

25 04, 2018

What is Algea

By |2019-11-29T09:39:25-05:00April 25th, 2018|General|

Algae are small plants which may be found growing in swimming pools or other bodies of water whenever conditions are favorable to their growth, they may retreat into inactive particles that are carried about by the wind, which may blow them to another body of water. The atmosphere contains millions of these minute particles ready to infect a pool. Rain washes algae from the air into swimming pools. Algae can originate, grow, and reproduce in [...]

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